Mitsubishi Diamond Quality Partner

EMS Ltd are a trusted installation and maintenance partner of Mitsubishi Electric.
Our engineers and technical staff have access to support and training from Mitsubishi directly and undertake regular courses and webinars run by the manufacturer to ensure they are up to date with the latest technology and can provide our customers with the best support and advice.

Daikin D1 Partners are selected by Daikin for their high standards of installation and expertise.
D1 Partners like EMS have access to training and dedicated technical support to ensure they are up to date with the latest Daikin technology which in turns benefits their customers.

All businesses that install, maintain or service stationary equipment containing F-Gas refrigerants must have an F-Gas Certificate by law.
Businesses undergo regular auditing to ensure they are following the correct procedures.
Constructionline Gold Member

Helps buyers identify suitably qualified contractors without having to go through pre-qualification questionnaires.
Being a gold member means that EMS Ltd had to pass an enhanced prequalification questionnaire that goes beyond PAS91.
Gas Safe

The official and only gas registration body of gas businesses and engineers in the UK.
Businesses on the register must undertake monitoring inspections to ensure they are applying gas competence.

Toshiba Air conditioning 7 years approved warranty partner.
As an approved Toshiba installer EMS Ltd have undergone intensive training and are able to offer reliable advice on the Toshiba range.

CHAS is a pre-approval scheme which allows us to show our customers that we meet the required health and safety standards. This saves our potential customers time and money when looking for a new contractor and reassures our current customers that we are invested in continuing our high standards in health and safety when carrying out work.
QSL ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard of creating, implementing, and maintaining a Quality Management System for a company.
Using ISO 9001 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services.
QSL ISO 14001

SO 14001 is an international standard for designing and implementing an environmental management system.
An Environmental Management System is a systematic and process driven approach to controlling those aspects of our business that have a significant impact on the environment. The system is proven to make business owners and managers more aware of their environmental responsibilities, including legal and regulatory accountabilities, and being able to manage and control the associated risks.

Safe Contractor is a Health and Safety accreditation scheme of which EMS Ltd are a member.
In addition, we have been audited and awarded a SafePQQ Certificate of Verification, which certifies us as possessing the necessary compliance standards needed during tender processes and Pre-Qualification Questionnaires and meeting PAS 91 & ISO standards for supplier assessment and validation.
Environment Agency

Certificate of Registration under the Waste Regulations 2011
Registered as an upper tier waste carrier and dealer